Apotropaios - Greek, turning away (evil)
Researcher of strange things found in walls and under floors since 1999...
Researcher of strange things found in walls and under floors since 1999...
When people concealed things like witch-bottles and dried cats, they were hoping to protect themselves and their families from harmful supernatural forces. This could take the form of fairies, ghosts or demons but people were particularly concerned about witchcraft. There is direct evidence that witch-bottles were used for counter-witchcraft and written charms seem to have protected against all manner of supernatural dangers. The evidence for concealed shoes, horse skulls, dried cats and protection marks is based entirely on physical evidence rather than writings but it seems that with these we have the same broad intention: protection from harm.
When people concealed things like witch-bottles and dried cats, they were hoping to protect themselves and their families from harmful supernatural forces. This could take the form of fairies, ghosts or demons but people were particularly concerned about witchcraft. There is direct evidence that witch-bottles were used for counter-witchcraft and written charms seem to have protected against all manner of supernatural dangers. The evidence for concealed shoes, horse skulls, dried cats and protection marks is based entirely on physical evidence rather than writings but it seems that with these we have the same broad intention: protection from harm.

What is known is that all of these things were installed in houses during the period of the witch-trials (broadly the 16th and 17th centuries) and in some cases for a significant period before and afterwards. Witch-bottles in particular show a distinct peak in use during the period of the witch-trials - perhaps not surprisingly. Assessing the little evidence that exists prior to this period is difficult because not as many buildings are still upstanding, and those that are have often been altered and re-altered many times.
Perhaps the most important clue to the nature of these practices comes from the secrecy which accompanied their installation into a building. Secrecy is often a key ingredient in magic practices and it can be inferred by the very existence of these finds that magic of one kind or another was a significant component in the lives of those who concealed these items. There appear to be very few written documents which account for these practices yet there is a very large amount of physical evidence that they occurred. A thorough documentary search in the light of these finds would probably reveal one or two references which, although few in number, would contribute greatly to understanding the nature of these practices.
Perhaps the most important clue to the nature of these practices comes from the secrecy which accompanied their installation into a building. Secrecy is often a key ingredient in magic practices and it can be inferred by the very existence of these finds that magic of one kind or another was a significant component in the lives of those who concealed these items. There appear to be very few written documents which account for these practices yet there is a very large amount of physical evidence that they occurred. A thorough documentary search in the light of these finds would probably reveal one or two references which, although few in number, would contribute greatly to understanding the nature of these practices.
There are a few articles by external contributors on this site - one about concealed shoes, one about finds in Dorset and another about marks in a Somerset cave. I'm happy to consider publishing any other material of relevance on this site.
Apotropaios can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Linkedin.
Apotropaios can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Linkedin.